I love crafting and baking - my dream is to open a cute lil vegan bakery/art space/retail shop/concert venue. Doing craft shows help me figure out business plans for the future and see what skills I need to improve on. I like promoting veganisim with yummy treats. One of my top sellers is my 'cakey moist brownie'...This year I made those and rice cereal treats. One lady bought a brownie even though she just bought food from the cafe after seeing my brownies. She ate my brownie first! Don't bother asking for my brownie recipe!

I sold out on a lot of things and have another show coming up in two weeks. I started making more stuff! I can't wait. While I am busy sewing and knitting my boyfriend will be busy editing a new music video he directed! He also has a gallery premier showing off his 8-bit work. I just started holiday shopping, and have lots of baking to do and holiday pictures of Mar to take. It is going to be a creative holiday this year!
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