Friday, December 18, 2015

EBABZ 2016 Wrap Up

I did it - it is over. I DID IT! I was so worried that I was not going to do it, letting myself down, others down. I did not even want to talk about it the week leading up to it, in case I was thinking something bad and then EBABZ would be mentioned thus making EBABZ bad. That is how my mind works, it sucks, but I have gotten a bit better about it. My mind seems to go into overdrive though leading up to big events and EBABZ is the biggest event I do each year (the only one I did this year). So yes I was nervous.

 Thanks for the photo Matt!

We got there right when the event started but since I am a table pro I knew I could get things sorted out in a minute. Found my table - same spot as last year and bonus they remembered a chair for Matt. My only table flaw was forgetting to see if the new LED holiday lights I brought needed batteries - they did, I had none.  I said hi to a few people and Matt joined me. The first hour was slow and we were hungry so Matt went and got us a stack of taquitos from Flaco's at the farmer's market plus the water I forgot in the car as I jumped out as he went to find parking.

This year I walked away with more unsold/not traded zines and less zines I bought from others. People seemed to not be in the trading mood. It is okay though. Matt and I bought as many zines, books and art as we could. I would have bought more but each time I got up the crowed gathered around me and I had to fight my way through. At one point as the event wrapped up, I ran down the street to get a smoothie and cookie - only vegan option around. As soon as I got out of EBABZ my ears were assaulted with 'hey girls' and a few scumbags who wanted to get my attention.This made me glad the day was coming to an end and I could go get proper food.

I made new connections, saw friends, got inspired and came back with zines to read all week. Sure there was cliques (something some people still cling to past high school), I was tired and sales were down but in the long run - I did it and I am happy!


  1. This sounds like a fun event - glad you came away happy. Your stall looks great and I love the look of that zine on the bottom left :)

  2. Yay! Congrats and you and your table look great! Sounds like a fun event and I'm glad you enjoyed it!

  3. One day I hope to make it to a zine event, it would be so cool if I could just buy your zines from you in person! I'd trade if I had anything to trade with... maybe one day?
