Monday, December 2, 2013

Five Or Less Vegan Zine


I am looking for vegan recipes that require 5 ingredients or less. Cooking oil, water, salt & pepper do not count into the total. If you want a footer note you can add more ingredients to make it jazzy like a extra spice or sauce but these extra should not be needed for the recipe. You are free to use packaged food - as long as it is vegan!

If you have a recipe that would make a great entry to my zine please email me at missmuffcake(a) I need recipes by Jan 15, 2014. If your recipe makes it into the zine you will get a copy hot off the presses sent to your maill box! Sound fun? Submit today!

1 comment:

  1. A vegan zine is a wonderful way to share your passion and connect with like minded individuals. It's a creative outlet for your ideas and recipes. If you're looking to grow your zine into a larger project or academic paper, think studying the world of veganism in more depth and academic writing services can help you structure your ideas and refine your discussions.
