Thursday, July 18, 2024

Today #12

 I am back with issue #12 of Today - exploring Evergreen Cemetery in Oakland CA, part of my birthday adventures last month. Both sides are full color! Folded with love.  Listen to the playlist here !

Each zine is $4 - U SA or $5 Int. Pay Me here, please! 

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Today Vol. 11

Today 11  features photos from Danville, CA's Alamo Cemetery - right before  Valentine's Day.  As always full color, both sides and, a playlist!

Each zine is $4 - USA or $5 Int. Please use PayPal for payment. 


Thursday, February 15, 2024

Today Vol. #10


Today #10 features photos I took in January in Oakmont Memorial Park Cemetry in Lafeyette CA. Fold it out to read about my day and see a playlist I created - which you can listen to here: playlist

Each full-color mini zine is $4 USA or $5 Int. Please use PayPal to purchase an issue.  

Thank you! 

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Today #9 and TSAHG #39

I have two new zines for sell! I pushed myself to finish TSAHG #39 for ZineWriMo...I worked on it for about 11 months....Today #9 is a bonus since I spent so much time in cemeteris while Matt shot his latest music video

TSAHG is now $5 or $6 int an issue - due to higher printing and shipping costs. It is still 28 pages full of cats, vegan recipes, uses for vinegar, book recommendations, East Bay book stores, coffee love, and, life stuff. 

Today #9 is $4 or $5 int. 2-sided mini fold-out, both sides in color. This issue takes place in St. Mary's Cemetery In Oakland, CA 

Both zines include shipping!

Please send payment to me via PayPal - please include your shipping address. Thank you! 

Monday, October 9, 2023

Today #8

 It has been a bit but I have a new issue of Today. Issue 8 explores Mountain View Cemetry in Oakland, CA. 

Please send $4 - USA or $5 Int using this link. Include your complete mailing address. Thank you.

Monday, July 10, 2023

Discarded - issue 1

I am back with a  new zine. It took me a while to edit this one because of I had some mental and physical health problems I was dealing with. 

Discarded is a photo zine that I sought submissions for. It is plush and toys found on the streets. Photos came in from around the world. I got so many that I will continue the series.

Each zine is 1/4 sized, full color, printed on quality paper, 20 pages, and stapled.

To get an issue of Discared please pay $6 - USA or $7 international using the link below. Please include your address. 


Monday, February 13, 2023

Today #7

Issue #7 of Today is out. It explores Sunset View Cemetery in Kensinton, CA. After you look through the photos, open it up to read about the day and discover a playlist that I created. 

Please send $4 - USA or $5 INT. via PayPal here - include your complete mailing adress!